In The News

massivit in the headlines

Stay up-to-date with Massivit’s groundbreaking advancements in additive manufacturing by exploring the latest media mentions and press releases we’ve been featured in. We are at the forefront of innovation and excited to share our successes. Discover the latest and greatest in advanced manufacturing today. picks out some of the best examples of 3D print work from the past 12 months.
When thinking of billboards, one rarely thinks of state-of-the-art advertising, as the medium has existed in some form for centuries. Thanks to recent technologies, however, the giant, road-side adverts have gotten a new lease on life.
Pour sa dernière campagne, Emporio Armani crée l’événement en utilisant l’impression 3D pour donner du relief à ce qui aurait dû être un énième affichage classique. Bellissima !
Standing out in an over-crowded world is often difficult and trying to advertise your business to customers that have walked passed thousands of billboards, have been bombarded with digital advertising and emails, and viewed hundreds of commercials on television is just as hard.
It seems there is not a week that goes by where we do not talk about 3D printing in some capacity or another. Stories have come in from across the globe in their masses about new 3D projects that are contributing to healthcare, manufacturing, engineering, architecture and the print industry itself, with many looking to diversify into this appealing and head-turning area of print.
NTG Digital è distributore dal 2016 di Massivit 3D, azienda israeliana che ha sviluppato una soluzione di manifattura additiva in grado di produrre parti o pezzi finiti di grandi dimensioni.
Un joueur du FCG haut de 3 mètres, une bouteille de champagne, un homard …
Que ce soit pour un lancement de produit, en street marketing ou en points de vente, l’impression 3D grand format permet de proposer une nouvelle expérience client. Retour en images sur Print in Progress où Euromedia en présentait l’immense potentiel.
Italian Print Provier, Colorzenith, has 3D printed a life-size replica of the classic Italian car, Lancia B24 for the Don Pasquale opera.
3D printing is often used to help preserve and restore historic artifacts, monuments, and other objects like artwork.
Corto Maltese, un Tricératops et maintenant une bouteille de shampoing… Ce qu’il y a de magique avec l’impression 3D grand format, c’est que tout est possible.
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