Cool 3D Billboards And Other Awesome Outdoor Ads

When we take a moment to pull our eyes away from our phones, there is a whole world of advertising out there waiting to greet us. Sadly, much of it blends in with the landscape or falls into the category of “eye clutter.
3d billboards compressed

But sometimes, an outdoor ad sticks out and grabs our attention. It makes us think. It makes us laugh. More important, it makes us act! Adding 3D elements to billboards, bus wraps, and more is one way to differentiate your brand message from your competitors who limit themselves to the flat plane of 2D.

Types of OOH Advertising

Billboards, 3D or otherwise, fall under the category of out-of-home advertising (OOH). This includes any advertising that reaches the consumer outside of the home. Out-of-home advertising has taken more forms than just the ever-present billboard. Transit shelters, bus wraps, and mobile billboards have taken to the streets, so to speak.

Ads are everywhere you turn, so it is important to make sure your ad stands out. This can be achieved with a unique or funny message or visual, creative placement, or by adding dimension to make your message literally stand out.

Get More with 3D Billboards

3D billboards get more attention than the vast quantity of 2-dimensional ads we pass each day on buses, trains, and highways. Making your message 3D can increase its exposure in several ways.

First, it will grab more attention because 3D advertising is disruptive. Coupled with the right message, an outdoor 3D billboard or ad can generate local or national publicity as you’ll see below. It can also generate those all-important shares on social media. Everybody carries a camera these days, and many are quick to share images of eye-catching moments throughout their day. 3D elements pique our interest. . .and wind up being shared on Instagram and Facebook.

Here are a few cool out-of-home 3D advertisements to get you inspired for your next marketing effort.

3D Billboards

Arguably one of the most effective billboard campaigns in history, the Chick-Fil-A cows debuted on billboards in 1995 and built the brand. People quickly fell in love with the cows and Chick-Fil-A garnered a place in consumers’ minds. (Chick-Fil-A had little brand recognition prior to the cows.) The 3D billboards were created by The Richards Group and generated national press and established the brand’s market position.

Chick Filet original cows billboard

It took 17 years for the little chicken restaurant that kept its stores closed on Sundays and had a smaller budget than its competitors to top them in sales per store. The next year, in 2013, Chick Fil A surpassed KFC in sales. The cows have been “painting” billboards ever since.

Bus Shelters

Typically made of glass and metal, transit shelters offer prime real estate for engaging large numbers of commuters with your message. 3D elements and props can significantly increase the impact here, demanding attention and increasing social engagement. You can build on top, inside, or around a shelter to attract curious eyes.

Media Resources in Toronto, Canada specializes in 3D transit shelters. This is one of their cool creations.

Bus Wraps

According to the Outdoor Advertising Association of America, vehicle wraps can get 30,000 to 80,000 views per day. That is a whole lot of exposure that that leads to greater sales. Add 3D for an even greater effect. Carisma Large Format Printing in New York created an illuminated 3D bus wrap for Columbia Pictures’ Angry Birds movie. The promotion was so successful that Columbia Pictures continues to incorporate 3D bus wrap campaigns in their movie promotions. You can see Peter Rabbit below. Consumers eat them up!

3D Peter Rabbit bus wrap

Mobile Billboards

Mobile billboards resulted in a 107% increase in sales versus a 54% increase for static billboards, which is also an impressive stat in its own right. This is according to Product Acceptance and Research, Inc. Savvy advertisers turn their mobile billboards into 3D ads for even greater impact.


The 3D mobile billboard in this image was promoting a new energy drink. It was created by ES Digital, and the larger-than-life bottles surpassed the client’s expectations in attention-grabbing capability and visual appeal.

Guerilla Outdoor Advertising

Guerilla advertising is unconventional. It’s also typically very inventive, combining common elements in unexpected ways to create visual communications that get noticed. In fact, quite often they make passerby stop and stare.

This steaming, over-sized coffee cup was created by Media Resources for McDonald’s. Makes you want to stop for a cup.

Which one of the out-of-home ads you saw here would get you to take action?

If you are considering advertising outdoors, get the most out of your ads by adding 3D. Contact Massivit  to find a printer near you.

[Featured Image billboard created by Media Resources]


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