Find a digital printing machine to enhance your business

More than ever before, print shops are looking for ways to enhance their business offering.
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This is according to Tim Greene, IDC’s Research Director for large format printing, 3D printing, and digital signage markets. Wide format market trends tell us it is not enough to have a digital printing machine that can churn out projects. Greene and two other industry analysts say now is the time for print shops to adopt 3D printing. It is an industry that is growing rapidly in many sectors, including visual communications.

Current Trends In the Digital Printing Market

Printing industry revenues are slowing. Commoditization, convergence, and the resulting lower margins remain a wide format print shop’s lethal enemies for the foreseeable future.

IDC research points to the top challenges large format print shops face

IDC research points to the top challenges large format print shops face

So, what are some of the business tactics that successful and innovative print shops are implementing to not only stay afloat, but to keep ahead of the pack? And how important is it for a print shop to keep their finger on the pulse of new tech? Perhaps it is time to reassess your business model. Or consider diving into a new market so your business is not like others and you can be a leader in your region.

You Can Lead This Market

There is still time to be a leader in one new technology that few print shops offer – 3D printing.

While 2D print industry growth is slowing, 3D printing industry growth continues to skyrocket. It is penetrating industries across the spectrum—including visual communications. For innovative, savvy business owners, this is the chance to adopt early and stake a claim of multiple markets and gain a competitive edge.

According to 3 industry analysts, including Tim Greene, the latest advancements in large format 3D printing provide a major opportunity for print businesses. They can adopt the technology to expand their offering and provide unlimited applications to their existing customer base while attracting additional new clientele.

Early-adopter print businesses have already begun offering large format 3D printed displays, signage, and thermoformed elements. The shops incorporated 3D into their existing 2D print applications with tremendous results. Top brands, such as Coca Cola, Emporio Armani, and Netflix are embracing 3D printing because it helped them to capture larger exposure by creating more impactful advertising campaigns. They returned as clients to the print shops that offer 3D printing.


Wide Format Printing Is Growing . . .With Competitors

Green shared an eye-opening piece of research in a recent webinar. Essentially, he stated that business might be fine now for wide format print shops, but just because a shop has a digital printing machine and is busy with work, it is dangerous for the business to get comfortable with the status quo.

According to IDC’s research, the wide format industry’s volume is increasing at a 6-7% rate. However, revenues in wide format printing are only expected to grow at a 2-3% rate over the next few years. Greene asserts that this could be due to convergence.

Convergence in the wide format printing industry

Today, commercial print businesses are offering a greater array of services and in many cases, even moving into wide format printing. Greene deducts that this convergence is partly linked to commercial printers’ traditional business disappearing or simply not growing. Many businesses have been forced to fold, consolidate, or offer something really new. Considering the efficiency of and demand for wide format digital printing, it’s no wonder there are more commercial printing businesses entering the wide format arena. . .and driving down prices.

Wide Format Impressions recently wrote about this convergence. The article said that it is relatively inexpensive (comparatively) for a traditional commercial printer to get into wide format printing. This begs two questions of wide format printers: Why invest in a better wide format printer to try to stay ahead of your competitors? Why not offer something entirely new?

Investing in the same equipment that is newer, larger, faster and with a better resolution won’t provide a sustainable differentiation. But being different will help print shops tackle market saturation, low margins, and commoditization.

Printing industry analysts are pointing to 3D printing because of its continually-expanding applications for the visual communications space. At 2018’s SGIA show (now Printing United), Smithers Print Consultant, Dr. Sean Smyth, and What They Think’s Senior Analyst, Richard Romano, discussed digital printing with a large 3D printers. They said:

“As printers get hold of this technology, they identify [new applications] the technology inventors never thought of.”


“The ability to create a wide variety of different kinds of objects lends itself to as many sectors as possible.”

Now is the time to adopt the technology that is growing at a rapid rate.

value of 3d print

3D Printing Is Booming!

TJ McCue, writing for Forbes, reported Wohler’s 2019 forecast for the worldwide 3D printing industry. It is projected to reach $15.8 billion in 2020 and $35.6 billion in 2024. These staggering growth figures include all additive manufacturing products and services worldwide. It is an industry that is not going away and will make its mark in visual communication as in all other segments.

So what does all this mean for print shops in terms of practical steps that can expand their business?

Large 3D printers enable print shops to accept previously-impossible projects, penetrate new industries, deliver new applications, attract new customers, and enjoy new profitable revenue streams. 3D printers also help print shops to get out from commoditization and show customers they are anticipating their needs. Incorporating large 3D printing with its many applications demonstrates that the print shop understands today’s market expectations: hyperlocal, omni-channel marketing and data-driven marketing. With a large 3D printer, the print shop is ready to create high-impact campaigns.

In the webinar, Tim Greene said:

“A large format PSP should expand the scope of the way they think about their business in order to expand the business.”

Commercial print shops and other large format digital printers continue to add new services within the 2D realm. Now seems the time to look at a new path, one that will lead to new revenue streams using a technology that is solid and rapidly evolving each year.

3D Printing And Your Large Format Digital Printing Business

One of the best ways to stay ahead is to offer applications that other print shops can’t deliver. There is no end to the applications that can be created when a wide format printing company be a leader in your region with their offering. POPs, movie props, window displays, signage, illuminated displays, displays in motion, and more like:

Event Props

3d printed adidas shoe

Cameron Advertising 3D printed these props for an Adidas event and they were the hit of the event

3D Billboards

emporio armani 3d printed billboard

Colorzenith combined wide format and 3D printing to create this billboard for Armani

One of the amazing benefits of 3D printing technology is the ability to incorporate it with other technologies as well as traditional 2D as displayed in Armani’s billboard above.

It is time to enhance your printing business’ offering. Isn’t it time to offer something completely new that others can’t touch? Learn more about the large 3D printer or watch the entire 44-minute IDC webinar with Tim Greene: Super-Sized 3D Printing: Refreshing Your PSP Business With New Revenue Streams.


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